Saturday, May 31, 2008

Team F ALmost HOME!!

we're at our second last station now. really havent had time to update.

we're now at admiralty 888 trying to solve our last clue. details of previous stations:

Fourth Stop
Venue: Woodlands Town Garden, at the play ground with 3 primary coloured pillars
Task: We found our clue under the sand and was given a whole list of scientific names of stuff, like kanchanjunga rachyass. we asked for a hint (with 10 minute penalty) and we were told to find the layman terms for each item on the list (that weird word means yeti btw). at the end after much deliberation, we took the first letters of each word:

L T A R Y I M D A, which was re-arranged to from admiralty. one of the words was "airdrome in arcadia", which was the name of the first macs restaurant. so we headed down to admiralty macs.

Fifth Station
Venue: Admiralty Macs
Task: we played texas hold em' with 3 cards faced down. we were tasked to figure the identities of the 3 cards. after many rounds, the 3 face down cards were 888, and here we are at 888 now!

Codeword: Lawyer

all the best to every team out there. TEAM FAITH FTW!!

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