Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Clue I1

Flavor Text:

I've read the bible cover to cover many times, even the Apocrypha. You guessed right, I am a bible-lover. Since young, I've also been trained to memorise many bible verses. If I were to recite everything from memory, we'll be here for a long time. However, time is something we do not have on our side so let's not tarry.

To you my dear friend, much has been given and much will be expected of you. I urge you to run with perseverance the race marked out for you, and spur one another on toward love and good deeds in this race of a lifetime.

By faith, you will hunt down every clue;

By faith, you will search the ends of the land;

By faith, you will uncover the legacy;

By faith, you will restore our heritage.

So go forth, and make history.

Clue I1:

Manasseh, Jehoram, Joash, Athaliah

Nadab, Ahaziah, Omri, Shallum


Solomon, Zechariah

Menahem, Asa, Elah, Zimri

Abijah, Jehoash

Jehoachim, David, Pekahiah, Hoshea

Jotham, Ahaz

Azariah, Zedekiah, Amon, Jehoiakim

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